Curated by
This online exhibit from The University of Hawaii Art Gallery provides many images of Posada's woodcuts as well as insights into life in Mexico.
Additional Tags
calavera, engravings, etchings, games, hojas religiosas, lower class, political art, popular literature, realist art, religious art, sensational crimes, all soul's day, day of the dead, dia de la muerte, jose guadalupe posada, jose guadalupe posada: my mexico, mexican artist, mexican realism art, mexican society, posada, illustrator, posada prints, skull, josé guadalupe posada
Classroom Considerations
- Knovation Readability Score: 4 (1 low difficulty, 5 high difficulty)
- This resource is only available on an unencrypted HTTP website.It should be fine for general use, but don’t use it to share any personally identifiable information