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This website includes several links that will help you learn first-aid skills that you might need to use in emergency situations. Learn how to deal with allergic reactions, animal bites, fevers, heat illness, nosebleeds, and other emergency situations. Also, learn how to keep your home safe to ensure that accidents and emergencies don't happen in the first place.
Additional Tags
allergic reactions, animal bites, auto safety, bleeding, broken bones, calling 911, cuts, emergency situations, eye injuries, falls and injuries, farm safety, frostbite, head injuries, medications, nosebleeds, poison control, poison ivy, poison oak, poison sumac, seizures, snow safety, spider bites, sports injuries, tick removal, vomiting, kidshealth, nemours foundation, abductions, backpack safety, bites and scratches, childproofing, cold safety, ears and flying, emergency contact, emergency first aid, fever, first-aid kit, heat illness, safe baby products, safe pets, safe toys, skin burns, strains and sprains, taking temperature, tick bites, tooth injuries
Classroom Considerations
- Knovation Readability Score: 3 (1 low difficulty, 5 high difficulty)