Instructional Video

La Tierra (The Earth)

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This La Tierra (The Earth) instructional video also includes:

How can we work together to save our planet? An animated video explains how los coches, las fábricas, and los aviones are polluting our world—and how we can work together to protect it.

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Instructional Ideas
  • Send the link home for learners to watch before returning to class and discussing what they've learned
  • Have partners or small groups brainstorm how they can implement conservation efforts in each specified habitat, and write up their proposals using as much Spanish vocabulary
  • Play the video for class members before providing any translation, and see how much they can decipher based on context clues
Classroom Considerations
  • Worksheet and audio version of the song are available via the links on the side of the page
  • Song repeats itself to reinforce understanding, but animation is different the second time, keeping the video engaging
  • Provides a wealth of Spanish vocabulary relating to both environmentalism and specific animals
  • None