Lesson Plan

Landforms from Volcanoes

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Three major types of volcanoes exist: cinder cone, composite/strata, and shield. The 18th lesson in a 20-part series covers the various landforms created from volcanoes. Scholars work in pairs to correctly identify the three types based on aerial photographs. Then they take notes and grade themselves using a rubric and ideas from their partners. 

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CCSS: Adaptable
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Instructional Ideas
  • Review proper note taking with an example and give students the rubric before having them take notes on the volcano types
Classroom Considerations
  • Relies on prior knowledge from the previous lessons in the series
  • Volcano cards must be printed in color for each pair of pupils
  • Includes a page of teacher background on the types of volcano landforms
  • Uses high-quality photographs of volcanoes
  • None
Common Core