Lesson Plan

Least Squares Linear Regression in R

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

The task? Determine the how effective hospitals are at reducing the rate of hospital-acquired infections. The method? Data analysis! Using an open source software program, individuals use provided data and create scatterplots to look for patterns. They perform a regression analysis and look for strength of correlation to finish the second activity in a series of three.

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CCSS: Adaptable
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Instructional Ideas
  • Collect the same data from a local hospital to see if it fits the pattern shown in the provided data
  • Create a list of commands used in the software and display them on the board or in a handout
Classroom Considerations
  • Requires the R software downloaded in the first lesson of the series
  • Includes a teacher notes document to help prepare for the lesson
  • Provides important information about the structure of the functions in the software
  • None
Common Core