Lesson Plan

Lesson 7 - Letter Combinations

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Lesson 7 - Letter Combinations lesson plan also includes:

Individually, letters have their own sounds, but when combined with other letters, those sounds completely change. Introduce letter combinations with a instructional activity that asks learners to search for combinations in familiar words and use oral and kinesthetic methods to practice identifying and pronouncing words with specific letter combinations.

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CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • Use the suggested order of instruction on page 118 of the lesson to help guide the introduction of sounds
  • Create special books out of folded paper to serve as spelling options notebooks and allow spellers to decorate the covers
Classroom Considerations
  • Requires some letter cards from previous lessons
  • Seventh lesson in the Word Recognition and Fluency series of 17
  • Shares quick tips at the end of each activity
  • Brings in simple games, such as Go Fish
  • Contains a large amount of information without some basic structural components, such as time limits
Common Core