Unit Plan

Light and Sound Tell It Again!™ Read-Aloud Anthology

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Light and Sound Tell It Again!™ Read-Aloud Anthology unit plan also includes:

Light and sound are the running themes of a read-aloud anthology. Over three weeks, third graders listen to discuss readings in preparation for completing extension activities. Pupils work through the writing process to compose an informative essay. Reading topics include light, reflections, mirrors, refractions, lenses, sound, voice, and Alexander Graham Bell.

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CCSS: Designed
Instructional Ideas
  • The examination of Alexander Graham Bell and the telephone is an excellent start to other lessons or units on inventors and their inventions 
  • Bring in images of, or actual, phones to show how the technology has progressed
Classroom Considerations
  • The fifth read-aloud unit in a series of 11 designed for third graders by Core Knowledge
  • Check each lesson's "At a Glance" section to confirm what materials and copies are needed
  • Includes pausing points to administer assessments
  • The unit uses an interdisciplinary approach combining ELA and science
  • None