Lesson Plan

Maintaining Your Health and Well-Being

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Future counselors and mental health professionals engage in two activities that give them insight into careers in human services. First, groups of four compare and contrast health and wellness apps and share their findings with the class. Groups of three then research an assigned topic and create a diorama that promotes health and wellness.

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Instructional Ideas
  • Post the infographics and vocabulary words on a Mental Health-themed wall
  • Display the dioramas in the classroom and around the school
Classroom Considerations
  • Requires a long list of supplies not typically found in the classroom (baseball glove, bowling ball, and plastic fruit, for example); set aside extra prep time to make copies, load videos, and collect materials
  • The plan is comprehensive and carefully scaffolded
  • The link to the diorama snap guide does not work