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Lesson Planet
It's sometimes the simple games that really grab a learner's attention. With this game-like app, young mathematicians can practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts. When they reach new high scores, they collect characters needed to play a fun bungee game.
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App Overview
Win the bingo game by matching five numbers across a row, down a column, or diagonally. Set the math operator and level of difficulty.
- Add
- Subtract
- Multiply
- Divide
- Mixed practice
Difficulty Level:
- Easy
- Medium
- Hard
- Can have up to 30 players with a name and avatar
- When presented with a problem, users touch the correct answer
- When a problem is missed, the correct answer is shown and you go onto the next question
- If you miss too many questions within one bingo game, the game terminates and you don't get to complete it
- Collect bingo bugs after playing a successful game and achieving a new high score. Can play an accompanying game, Bingo Bug Bungee, after collecting enough bugs
Record Keeping:
- The best three scores at each level and operation selected are kept for each player
- The score is based on time it took you to complete the game with a two-second penalty added to each problem you get wrong
- Goal is to get a low score
Collect bingo bugs after playing a successful game and achieving a new high score. Then play Bingo Bug Bungee.
Instructional Ideas
- Add this app to a math station that focuses on operation fluency
- Set student goals to include the number of bingo games they need to play before playing the accompanying game, Bingo Bug Bungee
- Challenge young mathematicians to collect as many bingo bugs as they can. Then a hold a bungee competition where students can play the game as a reward for their accomplishments.
Classroom Considerations
- This app also includes a fun, quickly played game called Bingo Bug Bungee, which can be played once you collect Bingo Bugs from successful Bingo games. There is no limit to the number of times you can play the bungee game; however, so some young players will need help to maintain their focus on the math operations practice.
- Ability to select operation and level to practice
- Guessing the answer doesn't work. After a certain number incorrect, the user is kicked out of game.
- Easy to use, needs very few directions
- Score reflects both accuracy and speed
- The limited score keeping available makes it difficult to tell a user's level of mastery
- Players are penalized for taking more time