Instructional Video

Metabolism and Nutrition (Part 2)

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

The 37th video in a series of 47 about the human body delves into metabolism. Scholars review cellular respiration and see how it, ATP, and glycolysis play a role in metabolism and how all of this relates to sugar levels in the body. 

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CCSS: Adaptable
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Instructional Ideas
  • The video contains a lot of information; pause it periodically to ask pre-scripted questions, to facilitate discussion, to allow pupils to ask questions, to take notes, and to process the concepts
Classroom Considerations
  • Assumes individuals understand and remember glycolysis, cellular respiration, and ATP
  • Video actually ends at 9:00; the rest is a summary of the concepts covered and the credits
  • This video is hosted on YouTube
  • Closed captioning can be turned on in a number of different languages, especially when using auto-translate
  • The video uses high-quality images and diagrams to engage all viewers
  • None
Common Core