
Microsoft Word Exercise

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Get to know the computer program, Microsoft Word, by completing 24 tasks, including typing a line of text, experimenting with format options, inserting page numbers, headers, footers, and more.


369 Views 282 Downloads
CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • Assist scholars in keeping track of their progress by inviting them to draw checkboxes near each task, then check them off as they are completed 
  • Assign this activity as a computer center project, or for homework depending on the class members' access to required materials 
Classroom Considerations
  • Each class member, or small group if you choose to work in teams, need access to a computer with Microsoft Word and printing capabilities 
  • Remind pupils to keep the activity page in a safe place for continued reference 
  • Steps to complete each task are written as bullet points
  • Steps are easy to read and thoroughly detailed
  • The link to the referecne page no longer works