
Model Me Going Places 2

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Model Me Going Places 2 app also includes:

Social stories are wonderful teaching tools specifically designed for learners with Asperger's, autism, PDD-NOS, non-verbal learning disabilities, or other developmental disabilities. They are used to model appropriate social behaviors in a wide variety of contexts. They also act almost as a schedule or anticipation guide to help children work through the steps of various social situations.

K - 12th Special Education & Programs 1 Collection 222 Views 87 Downloads
App Overview

Designed by a fantastic team of educators, communication and autism specialists, this app provides six different stories in a video/image format. Audio narration is provided by children, images are of actual people doing actual things, and each video includes friendly musical accompaniment. Each video model has been created to help your child understand what to expect, how to behave, and how to interact in each situation.

About User Interface:

  • Watch the video or show as a slide show

Additional Access:

  • Tap the Model Me logo
  • You will be taken to the app’s web page
  • Here you can access information about:
    • Additional products
    • The creators of the app
    • The full Model Me catalog

What the Videos Provide:

  • A better understanding of social situations
  • What to expect
  • How to behave
  • What will be seen
  • How you may feel


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Instructional Ideas
  • Choose one video to focus on each week. While your class is discussing community outings have them review the app every day. They can discuss each step in the video by showing it in slide-show mode. At the end of the week, take small groups out into the community and visit the location that was focused on throughout the week.
  • Use the sequence of events in the app to engage the class in a sequencing activity. Take each of the steps from each video and turn them into sequencing cards with the same text and similar images. Have the class view the video and then work together to put the sequencing cards in order. This will doubly reinforce social skills while working on sequencing and building a sense of what to expect throughout the activity.


Classroom Considerations

To be reinforcing social skills training, they should also be practiced in the residential setting. Have care providers or guardians also use the app and use discussion techniques or cuing techniques to reinforce the skills learned at school.

  • The app was created by professional special educators and specialists
  • It supports researched-based instructional strategies for children with autism
  • Each video is well produced and they are functional for teaching social skills
  • Video modeling techniques have been proven to be highly successful in fostering social skills
  • There are only six videos on the app
  • Additional videos can not be downloaded