
Money Skills

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Money Skills worksheet also includes:

Young mathematicians learn to make sense out of money with this collection of skills practice worksheets. From identifying the different coins and bills in the US currency system, to counting money and correctly using the dollar and cents signs, this resource would make an excellent addition to any primary grade math curriculum.

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CCSS: Adaptable
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Instructional Ideas
  • Create a packet out of these worksheets for students to complete during a lesson series on money
  • Offer these exercises as a math learning center in the primary grades
  • Nine worksheets are included that offer a variety of matching, circling, and cut-and-paste exercises
  • Includes images that show both sides of US coins and dollar bills
  • Provides a checklist for monitoring children's mastery of the skills covered in these worksheets
  • Note that this is a free sample taken from a larger resource, meaning that not all of the materials listed in the table of contents are included
  • Answer keys are not included, but can be created by simply working through the exercises yourself
Common Core