
Multiple Intelligences Checklist

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Invite your pupils to discover their strengths with a multiple intelligences assessment. They read through several pages of activities and check off the items that apply. Learners then tally up their scores to determine which of the multiple intelligences they most fulfill.

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Instructional Ideas
  • Use this at the beginning of the school year as a sort of pre-assessment; you can then tailor instruction based on the results
Classroom Considerations
  • While designed for middle school, this could be used for high school and possibly upper-elementary grades as well
  • You may wish to teach a bit about Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences before handing out this checklist so that individuals go into it with a bit of background information
  • Includes pages of attributes for learners to peruse as well as a clear tabulation page
  • The overall message of the checklist is positive
  • None