My Generation Rx: Lead the Scene

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Prescription drugs may start out with legitimate usage, but lately they are finding their way to high school and college party life. Have a discussion with the teenagers in your class on prescription drug abuse with a PowerPoint presentation that accompanies three video scenarios.

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Instructional Ideas
  • Play the video as a class, interrupting at each scenario to go over the points listed in the slideshow
  • Have class members answer the discussion questions with partners, in small groups, or as independent journal entries
Classroom Considerations
  • Actors' portrayal of intoxicated students in the attached video is often humorous, which may distract from the importance of the topic
  • Alcohol use by minors is not taken as seriously as prescription drug use
  • Scenario 1 begins at the start of the video, scenario 2 begins at 2:46, and scenario 3 begins at 3:52
  • Provides zip files for the entire unit in both English and Spanish
  • Brings a real-world context to a situation that may seem abstract to many learners
  • None