Lesson Plan


Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Nanofiltration lesson plan also includes:

How can everyone in the world have access to clean drinking water? Throughout the lesson plan, learners read about and listen to how water is filtered, what the filtration process removes, and  the best ways to filter. They explore the different filtration processes and discuss the future of water on Earth.

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CCSS: Adaptable
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Instructional Ideas
  • Ask learners where their drinking water comes from and how it is cleaned before beginning the activity
  • Supplement this with a field trip to a wastewater treatment facility
Classroom Considerations
  • Activity is split into three days, each day taking 50 minutes
  • Lesson includes lesson plan, teacher background reading; PowerPoint with script, worksheet and key, lab activity and key, and guiding questions with a key
  • PowerPoint slides and script contain questions and points of discussion
  • Includes a real-world problem for your class to solve
  • None
Common Core