Instructional Video

Nonviolence and Peace Movements: Crash Course World History 228

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Is violence inevitable, or can peace overcome war? A Crash Course World History discusses how Leo Tolstoy influenced Mohandas Gandhi to use nonviolent resistance against British Imperialism, and how Gandhi's example became a model for twentieth-century peace movements all over the world. The video ends with a reminder to the next generation that these practices are not merely part of our history, but part of our current lives as well.

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CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • Assign excerpts from The Power of Nonviolence by Richard Gregg and/or Politics of Nonviolent Action by Gene Sharp to accompany a lesson on nonviolent protest and resistance
  • Have small groups conduct additional research on prominent figures in the twentieth century who advocated for and practiced nonviolence
  • Prompt class members to write about nonviolence in a persuasive essay, arguing for or against the practice with a historical context
Classroom Considerations
  • Avoid the comment section by showing the video in full screen
  • Audio is a little low in the video
  • Part of a larger video playlist on world history
  • This video is hosted on YouTube
  • Successfully links the resistance to imperialism to the Civil Rights movement with connections to Bayard Rustin and the Fellowship of Reconciliation
  • Video is engaging and inspiring to high schoolers
  • None