Unit Plan

Nutrition: Developing Healthy Habits Unit

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

The focus of the fourth unit in the Youth Risk Behavior Survey Curriculum is on healthy eating and exercise. Class members examine healthy habits data from the YRBD Youth Online Tool, learn about the importance of a healthy diet and exercise program, and examine the connections between foods and moods. To end the unit, scholars set personal dietary and exercise goals for themselves.

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Instructional Ideas
  • Check the link to the YRBS Youth Online Tool to see if it contains statistics for your state
  • Have class members keep a food and exercise journal, recording daily their food intake and exercise activities
  • Load the link to the YRBS Youth Online Tool data from your state on classroom devices
Classroom Considerations
  • The fourth of five units in the series
  • Participants are asked to examine data for the race with which they identify
  • Although designed for Florida schools, the series is appropriate for any classroom
  • Pupils need access to internet-connected devices
  • Requires copies of multiple worksheets
  • Includes a video that details the components of the various food groups and tips for how to include them in a balanced diet
  • None