Instructional Video

On This Day: Creation of the World Wide Web

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Most modern-day individuals have access to the Internet in some form. Academics learn about the creation of the World Wide Web from its inventor Tim Berners-Lee. The thought-provoking resource shares Berners-Lee's thoughts on how he created the Internet and why he did not patent the technology. A video segment also shares information on his more recent project, Solid, to help create better privacy and data ownership. 

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Instructional Ideas
  • Have learners conduct research on a topic without the assistance of the Internet to understand the impact of the World Wide Web
  • Direct pupils to document the ways Internet affects their daily lives and use it to guide a group discussion 
Classroom Considerations
  • Users must have a free C-SPAN Classroom account to access the video clips, or they may use the following login credentials: Username: students, Password: C-SPANCLASSROOM
  • The resource shares different aspects of the creation process of the World Wide Web
  • Short length of video clips make it easy to incorporate into a lesson on technology
  • None