Lesson Plan

Open Your Eyes and Ears to Human Rights Issues

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Open Your Eyes and Ears to Human Rights Issues lesson plan also includes:

A human rights defender is someone who promotes and protects human rights for all. Scholars explore the subject with the fourth and final lesson plan from the Introduction to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights series. Pupils share their own experiences about human rights issues, brainstorm a list of resources, and discuss their thoughts and ideas in small groups. 

1 Collection 35 Views 23 Downloads
CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • Have individuals research an organization aimed at defending universal human rights 
  • Ask small groups to develop a list of strategies for educating others about human rights issues  
Classroom Considerations
  • Addresses Common Core College and Career Readiness Standards 
  • Integrates collaborative learning, problem solving, and real-world connections 
  • Includes specific learning objectives and guiding questions
  • None