
Oreo Moon Phases

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Oreo Moon Phases activity also includes:

Learning about the moon has never tasted delicious! Using the popular Oreo cookie as a model, young scientists carve out the cream filling to represent the different phases of the moon.

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CCSS: Adaptable
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Instructional Ideas
  • Include this activity in an elementary or middle school science lesson on the phases of the moon
  • Create a circular template with each phase of the moon labeled, having students use them to correctly arrange their Oreo moon models
Classroom Considerations
  • Be sure students are given clear expectations that they are not to eat the cookies until instructed to do so at the end of the lesson
  • Ask families to donate packages of Oreo cookies for use during this activity
  • Have children complete the activity with a partner to reduce the number of Oreo cookies required
  • Activity engages children in learning about the lunar cycle
  • A song is included that helps students learn vocabulary relating to the phases of the moon
  • Images are provided that demonstrate how to complete the activity
  • Includes a series of questions to use when guiding a discussion about the activity
  • None