Lesson Plan

Paleoclimates and Pollen

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Paleoclimates and Pollen lesson plan also includes:

Demonstrate for your earth scientists how plant pollen of the past has become part of sedimentary deposits, providing clues about ancient climates. Then give them simulated sediment layer samples to analyze for different types of paper punch pollen. As they examine each layer, they track the percentage of pollen types in each. They then form a hypothesis on what the climate might have been like as each layer was deposited. This terrific instructional activity exemplifies how different branches of science overlap and can be used in your geology or climate studies. Be aware that it requires quite a bit of preparation time, but you will find it worthwhile!

17 Views 9 Downloads
Resource Details
7th - 9th
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Resource Type
Lesson Plans
2 hrs
Instructional Strategies
Collaborative Learning
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