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In the animated 11-minute story "A Splash of Mink," from the PBS KIDS series MOLLY OF DENALI, Molly and Trini must find a remedy after being sprayed by a mink. Despite getting advice from various sources about how to get rid of the smell, they are unable to do so after several tries. Eventually, they find a true expert who provides a remedy that works. Use this lesson to help students explore the importance of using sources that are accurate and trustworthy in the context of the literacy, STEM, or social studies unit they are currently studying. Support materials are provided.
Additional Tags
finding information, inference, informational text, pbs learningmedia, pbs learningmedia: a splash of mink lesson plan, pbs learningmedia: molly of denali: a splash of mink lesson plan, range of reading, reading independence, reading proficiency, trusted sources, vocabulary, how to get rid of the smell, importance of using sources that are accurate and trustworthy, sprayed by a mink, listening for information, mink
Classroom Considerations
- Knovation Readability Score: 5 (1 low difficulty, 5 high difficulty)
- The intended use for this resource is Instructional|practice