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This lesson, based on the 11-minute animated story "The Night Manager" from the PBS KIDS series MOLLY OF DENALI, helps children create or improve text by adding details or updating content. When a group of winter visitors arrive, Molly tries to check them in using a check-in guide intended for summer. She and Trini quickly realize that they must revise the guide to make it accurate for the current season. After watching, students utilize these strategies in the context of a literary, social studies, or STEM unit that they are currently studying.
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"the night manager" from the pbs kids series molly of denali, pbs & wgbh educational foundation, pbs learning media: the night manager lesson plan: molly of denali, create or improve text by adding details or updating content, revise the guide to make it accurate, public broadcasting service (pbs), revising drafts
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