Lesson Plan

Planning Writing: Bullfrog Information Paragraph

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Planning Writing: Bullfrog Information Paragraph lesson plan also includes:

Lesson ten in this unit for the book Bullfrogs at Magnolia Circle, prepares third graders to begin writing an informational paragraph about the adaptations of bullfrogs. First, young writers work either independently or in pairs to gather their research from previous lessons into a graphic organizer. Then, using that research, they fill in an accordion-style graphic organizer with the the details and explanations they plan on using in their paragraph. Easily adaptable to expository writing on any topic, this is a great lesson plan for teaching children how to plan and organize their writing.

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CCSS: Designed
  • Clear learning objectives
  • Differentiated to support all learners
  • Lesson includes all supporting materials
  • Easily adaptable to other topics/subjects
  • Requires a class set of the book Bullfrog at Magnolia Circle
Common Core