
Please Pass the Salt

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Please Pass the Salt activity also includes:

Salinity is the focus of two experimenters that work to answer the question, How does salt change the physical properties of water? Super scientists compare the freezing rate of salt and fresh water, combine the two waters to observe how they mix, and discover what happens when an egg is added. 

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Instructional Ideas
  • If time or materials do not allow for individual experiments, conduct a classroom experiment with the help from class members 
  • Pose reflection questions on a classroom blog, in an interactive science journal, or orally 
  • Research the Antarctic—its animals, ocean, and environment  
Classroom Considerations
  • The lesson is designed to be completed at home; however, it also works well inside the classroom 
  • Requires a variety of materials
  • Offers one extension activity 
  • Includes three real-world pictures 
  • Provides background information and a synopsis of what should occur during each experiment  
  • None