Lesson Plan

Point of View

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Incorporate technology into a literature instructional activity with an innovative language arts instructional activity. Middle schoolers read an electronic version of original stories or fairy tales, and after determining the point of view, rewrite the tale from a different point of view. Using a program like Talking Word Processor, writers save their documents, and submit their efforts by e-mail or post them on the class web page. 

2 Collections 92 Views 67 Downloads
CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • Have writers add illustrations to their stories, either ones they create themselves or images found on the Internet
  • Use the activity to assess understanding of the concept of point of view
Classroom Considerations
  • The resource presumes that all class members have access to the technology required for the lesson, including the Talking Word Processor software 
  • The packet includes suggestions for literacy tools to use with the activity
  • Although the resource provides a broad outline of the activity, neither a detailed plan nor a rubric are included in the packet