
Practice: Word Problems

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Congratulations, you've just hit the word problem jackpot! Covering an incredible range of topics from integers and fractions, to percents, geometry, and much more, this collection of worksheets will keep young mathematicians busy solving word problems for the entire year.

1 Collection 3363 Views 2955 Downloads
CCSS: Adaptable
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Instructional Ideas
  • Supplement these worksheets into your math curriculum as in-class or homework assignments
  • Differentiate the exercises by assigning specific problems that are appropriate to learning needs of students
Classroom Considerations
  • Though intended for use with sixth graders, these worksheets can be used with advanced fifth graders or seventh graders needing extra help developing their problem solving skills
  • These worksheets are taken straight from the workbooks of Glencoe/McGraw-Hill's sixth grade math curriculum, and correspond to lessons in their textbook
  • Each worksheet addresses a specific skill which is clearly written across the top of the page
  • Worksheets contain between six and eight story problems that get progressively more difficult
  • An answer key is not included for these worksheets