Lesson Plan

Practicing Listening and Reading Closely: The Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Thanksgiving doesn't occur only once a year for the Haudenosaunee. Weave an instructional activity about reading closely with an inspiring message about eternal gratitude for all of the elements of creation into a unit on Native American tribes. After watching two videos of members of the Haudenosaunee tribe describing their oral traditions, learners participate in group discussions and share what they have learned about the Haudenosaunee and the most effective ways to read closely.

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CCSS: Designed
Instructional Ideas
  • Use in your unit about oral traditions, creation myths, or Native American culture and tribes
  • Assign specific tribes for small groups to research
  • Include the video selections in the research process
  • Flip the lesson, asking learners to watch the videos out of class before returning for a whole-class discussion
Classroom Considerations
  • Includes transcripts of the videos and a short instruction reading passage
  • Provides a thorough glimpse into the traditions of the Haudenosaunee/Iroquois tribe
  • Aligned to Common Core reading and speaking standards
  • The resource does not include handouts or activities for learners
Common Core