Curated and Reviewed by
Lesson Planet
Severe weather can occur with or without warning. Being prepared for any situation makes chances of survival that much greater. A brief activity suggests a list of items for an emergency book bag. The first page provides 12 suggested items and their descriptions, while the second page instructs learners to identify and color the items necessary for an emergency backpack.
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Instructional Ideas
- Create a relay race in which a team member runs from one cone to another to pack their backpack with one emergency item, and then run back to their team to hand off the book bag for another teammate to repeat
- Create a writing prompt that has pupils pick only five items from the list and explain why they chose those items over others
Classroom Considerations
- The worksheet by itself may prove too easy for some levels
- Some of the pictures are printed in color for easy identification; clarify these pictures if printing in black and white
- Promotes emergency-preparedness awareness in children
- Brief and basic