Lesson Plan

Puberty: Grades 6-8

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Puberty: Grades 6-8 lesson plan also includes:

Going through puberty isn't easy, or for the faint of heart. Prepare middle schoolers for the challenges of the changes with activities that ask them to assume the role of a reporter for the Human Body Olympics. Writers craft a news article identifying the hormone they believe should win the award for causing the greatest changes of puberty. A second activity casts individuals as an advice columnist responding to queries about puberty. Writers research and provide responses to a letter from a tween.

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CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • Before conducting the lesson, check with your administration to determine if parental permission is required given the topic
  • Invite a medical professional to talk with the class about puberty
  • Use the quiz to assess understanding of the material
Classroom Considerations
  • Be sure that a protocol has been established for a safe, mature, and respectful discussion of the topic
  • The activities provide information without personal embarrassment
  • Includes a answer key for the quiz
  • None
Common Core