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[Free Registration/Login Required] A series of four lesson plans designed to develop young scholars' vocabulary skills including understanding prefixes, using context clues, and using a glossary and a dictionary. Lessons are based on the books The Life Cycle of an Emperor Penguin by Bobbie Kalman and Robin Johnson, and The Mitten by Jan Brett. Includes ideas for direct teaching, guided practice, and independent practice. With free login, users have access to worksheets used in this lesson.
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Additional Tags
vocabulary skills, oh.ela-literacy.l.1.2e spell untaught words phonetically, drawing on phonemic awareness and spelling conventions., oh.ela-literacy.l.2.4a, oh.ela-literacy.rf.2.4c use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary., readworks, dictionary
Classroom Considerations
- Knovation Readability Score: 3 (1 low difficulty, 5 high difficulty)
- The intended use for this resource is Instructional
- This resource requires a site login