
Renewable Energy Sources - Solar and Wind

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Renewable Energy Sources - Solar and Wind activity also includes:

There has been a huge solar energy spill! Let's go outside to play in it. This lesson includes multiple experiments showcasing solar and wind energies. Scholars build a solar heater and an anemometer before testing the results. The challenging analysis questions following the reading passage directly apply to the lesson. This is the final installment in the eight-part series.

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CCSS: Adaptable
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Instructional Ideas
  • Research how different cultures used wind and solar energy historically
  • Create a word search to help review vocabulary
Classroom Considerations
  • One experiment takes place over the weekend, so plan the scheduling of this lesson accordingly
  • Detailed maps and vocabulary are included
  • Passive solar heating is also discussed
  • Handout and graphics are high quality
  • Document permissions do not allow for printing
Common Core