Instructional Video

Reproductive System – Sex and Fertilization (Part 3)

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Having sex calms nerves, reduces blood pressure, and reduces stress. Video 42 in a series of 47 specifically focuses on sex and fertilization. The narrator discusses how scientists determined the four phases of sexual response during the act of sex and then moves into what occurs in the body when fertilization occurs. He finishes by exploring the different methods of birth control and how these don't allow fertilization to occur. 

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CCSS: Adaptable
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Instructional Ideas
  • Teachers may want to preview the video and determine places to pause so pupils can ask questions, take notes, and discuss concepts
Classroom Considerations
  • Narrator, for 1.5 minutes, discusses the four phases of the human sexual response based on research done by scientists who invited people to be studied while having sex — excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution; this discussion could be uncomfortable for some
  • Turn on closed captioning for all classes so viewers can follow along
  • This video is hosted on YouTube
  • The title alone engages high school learners, but the wittiness and speed at which the narrator speaks keeps them further engaged
  • Turning on auto-translate allows the video to be viewed in many different languages 
  • None
Common Core