
School Year Reflections

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

The end-of-year period is a great time to pause and reflect on the experiences that made up the school year. Let the reflecting begin with a worksheet that prompts scholars to think back and respond with important lessons learned, accomplishments, challenges, hopes for next year, and more!

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CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • Invite pupils to create their own reflection statements on page two of the worksheet 
  • Go around the room and direct each class member to share one of their reflection statements 
  • On the last day of school, have everyone read their Next year, I hope to... statement; then, remind them to keep the paper safe so they can check back the following year to see if their hopes became reality 
Classroom Considerations
  • Copies are required
  • The design of the worksheet has a fun, graduation theme
  • Writing prompts on page one vary in topic making for a well-rounded reflection 
  • None