Lesson Plan

Slurs, Offensive Jokes and How to Respond

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Slurs, Offensive Jokes and How to Respond lesson plan also includes:

How to respond to slurs and offensive jokes is the topic of a lesson designed for middle and high schoolers. After journaling about their experiences with slurs and nasty jokes, participants read an article about a Florida State Senator who resigned after making offensive remarks. They reflect on their learning and brainstorm words or phrases to respond to these comments.

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CCSS: Designed
Instructional Ideas
  • If a protocol is not in place to ensure a safe, respectful discussion of sensitive topics, conduct a mini-lesson with the linked resource "Establishing Classroom Guidelines"
Classroom Considerations
  • Requires a projection device for the Pyramid of Hate infographic and copies of an article
  • Includes a link to "Establishing Classroom Guidelines" with tips for how to conduct a discussion of sensitive topics
  • Links are provided to articles with additional information
  • The resource does not offer examples of responses class members could give