
Social: Emotions, Health, and People

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Social: Emotions, Health, and People printable also includes:

Picture cards can be a fantastic tool that learners can utilize to communicate their emotions and needs. This set of cards illustrates not only basic emotions, such as happiness, fear, or anger, but also certain illnesses a person might be feeling or individuals they are seeking.

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CCSS: Adaptable
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Instructional Ideas
  • When learners are struggling to express how they feel, have them use these cards to indicate their emotions and needs
  • Reinforce the images with physical, visual cues (e.g. nod your head up and down for the "Yes" image where an arrow points up and down)
Classroom Considerations
  • This resource can apply to a variety of learning environments, such as special education pupils, ELD classes, or a lower-elementary vocabulary lesson
  • Note: the picture cards describing health and people are located in the included materials
  • Great selection of emotions and health incidences included
  • Picture cards with no wording providing for alternative activities
  • None
Common Core