
Sorting Finch Species

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Don't just tell your class about Darwin's finches ... show them! Sort some of science's most famous birds using an interactive lesson. Learners try their hand at classifying finches using song, sonogram, and beak appearance, as well as discover how their unique adaptations give them an advantage in their own niches.

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CCSS: Adaptable
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Instructional Ideas
  • Ask individuals to describe Daphne Major on the back of their worksheets after they view the map; did it look like they thought it would?
  • Have early finishers research and discover another Galapagos finch species and compare it to the finches in the interactive
Classroom Considerations
  • Pupils should have some knowledge of adaptation and natural selection before they begin the lesson
  • Combines different classification techniques to help make adaptations in the finches very clear
  • Interactive includes Google Maps of the Galapagos Islands to help with the geography connection
  • None
Common Core