
SPQR Latin Dictionary and Reader

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This SPQR Latin Dictionary and Reader app also includes:

Searching for an incredibly thorough Latin app? Look no further! Latin learners will be quite satisfied with the collection of texts, three dictionaries, customizable flashcards, assessment options, and other features that are right at their fingertips. 

7th - Higher Ed World Languages 44 Views 8 Downloads
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App Overview

SPQR is a comprehensive Latin app with many features. The homepage greets you with a Latin quote, which changes when you tap it. Along with the quote, there are two menus on the main page. The menu along the bottom of the screen takes you to the main functions of the app, while the menu that appears when you tap More... includes extras and controls.

Accessible Through the Bottom Toolbar:

  • Authors/Genres: Takes you to a list of authors or genres, which leads you to a vast collection of reading material
  • Dictionary: Includes a Latin dictionary, an English dictionary, and a Latin word parser
  • Grammar: A customizable quiz form pops up; tap exam to create a quiz that can be shared with and taken by your classes
  • Flashcards: Opens up another window; tap edit to add, delete, share, and edit decks
  • Learn: Sends you to collection of four complete, digitized Latin textbooks
  • History: Provides History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire and other historical information categorized by topic
  • More Apps: Shows a list of related Latin apps, which you can browse, try, and buy

Accessible Through the More... Menu:

  • Roman Numerals: Converts numbers from Arabic to Roman and Roman to Arabic
  • Latin Typist: Provides a writing space with access to Latin marca and text parsing
  • Classics Quiz: Poses a set of questions meant mostly for fun; there are 4000+ questions available about history, linguistics, and more
  • Gettysburg: Shows you the Gettysburg Address in Latin and English
  • Photos: Opens up a photo album of famous Roman antiquities and buildings
  • Access Controls: Allows you to set a password and turn features on and off

Other Features:

  • Read the provided tutorial when you first open the app
  • Touch any Latin word to look it up; add it to your flashcards from the definition window
  • Make a flashcard deck automatically from a text by tapping the cards in the top right corner
  • Practice flashcard decks whenever you desire; the app will track your progress and adapt
  • Some texts are provided in both languages; tap the crossed arrows to switch languages
  • Touch the cross button in on the Authors page to access the vulgate Bible and more late Latin
  • Select the cloud-shaped button (if it appears on a page) to view key words related to a work
  • Divine the future with the Sortes Virgilianae, which is available under the biography for Virgil (tap the dice)
  • Switch to word-to-word translation mode for Caesar's commentary on the Gallic wars
  • View texts in portrait or landscape
  • Increase and decrease the font size of a text
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Instructional Ideas

SPQR Latin Dictionary and Reader would make an excellent supplemental material for any Latin class. There is so much material to explore as well as light extras to keep students engaged! And, it might not even be supplemental. If you are studying one of the texts in the app, it could easily act as an interactive primary text.

The grammar test, while somewhat random, is a nice feature. Individuals can set their own parameters and practice on their own. Additionally, a teacher can create class quizzes by using the Exam option. Class members get a code that they enter into their version of the app. Pupils e-mail their results to the teacher when they are finished. If you only have a teacher tablet, you can e-mail a blank test to yourself to print out.

Classroom Considerations

Even if you aren't using SPQR in class, recommend the app to parents or pupils for at-home use. Users will benefit from the wealth of information and texts.

Teachers can get 50 percent off the price of the app through Apple's App Store Volume Purchase program for education. Find more information about this deal on the developer's website,

  • Includes a huge store of texts to read, study, and translate
  • Comes with three different dictionaries
  • Entertaining extras liven up the material
  • Provides an adaptable quiz form that can be used for practice and assessment
  • Pupils can practice with included flashcard function and look up any word in any text
  • There are no sounds or animations; the texts, translations, and other extras will have to be enough to engage users