Lesson Plan

STEM: Lou-Vee Air Car

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This STEM: Lou-Vee Air Car lesson plan also includes:

A comprehensive lesson on acceleration awaits your physicists and engineers! Two YouTube videos pique their interest, then sample F=ma problems are worked and graphed. The highlight of the lesson is the building of a Lou-Vee air car! Emerging engineers find its mass and compute its acceleration in order to figure out the force provided by the "engine." Math and science collide in this forceful feat!

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CCSS: Designed
  • Designed to meet Common Core math standards
  • Hands-on activity
  • Well-organized lesson plan
  • Materials-heavy
  • Time-consuming
  • Many math standards are listed for Common Core, but you will need to be creative in order to meet them all