Lesson Plan

Stone Soup

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Stone Soup lesson plan also includes:

Sharing and cooperation are difficult skills for kindergartners to grasp. Using the story Stone Soup and a series of activities, kids learn about the benefits of working together, categorizing and comparing items, and eating healthy foods.

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CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • Enrich the lesson with a walk through your own class garden, or a taste of each vegetable
  • Use the extension activities throughout the week in smaller groups or a language arts center
Classroom Considerations
  • Some worksheets are in color; consider laminating the color worksheets you can use over again in small groups
  • A great way for kids to work together
  • Uses math, language arts, and health together in one lesson
  • Provides all necessary worksheets
  • None
Common Core