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The chapters of this unit on criminal law and juvenile justice are as follows: "Crime in America," "Introduction to Criminal Law," "Crimes Against the Person," "Crimes Against Property," "Defenses," and "The Criminal Justice Process: The Investigation Phase." An excellent resource with general information about crime, and relevant links for further reading and research.
Additional Tags
arrest, arson, assault and battery, bail, burglary, computer crimes, confessions, crimes, criminal justice, criminal law, embezzlement, forgery, grand jury, homicide, interrogations, juvenile, larceny, parole, plea bargaining, public trial, rape, right to an attorney, robbery, self-incrimination, sentencing, trial by jury, victims of crime, crime in america, excusable crime, extortion, federal crimes, felony arraignments, gangs and crime, guns and law, introduction to criminal law, pretrial release, receiving stolen property, state crimes, substance abuse and crime, types of crimes, unauthorized use of a vehicle
Classroom Considerations
- Knovation Readability Score: 4 (1 low difficulty, 5 high difficulty)