
Study Jams! The Senses: Touching

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Study Jams! The Senses: Touching interactive also includes:

Beauty is only skin deep, but knowledge goes deeper with this brief presentation! Three of the five slides are photos of a hand touching an object, one is a colorful graphic display of the epidermis and dermis, while another may be an actual cross-section with nerve cell graphics superimposed. All of them display captions that together explain the basics of this touchy subject. Though the show is short, it is informative, and would put a finishing touch on your introduction to the sense of touch.

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CCSS: Adaptable
  • Colorful slides
  • See All Related Jams links to other resources on the senses
  • A seven-question quiz is included
  • You may feel the lack of variety in the already-few slides is not engaging enough to use with middle schoolers