Lesson Plan

Suicide Prevention: Grades 6-8

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Suicide Prevention: Grades 6-8 lesson plan also includes:

Suicide prevention—a heavy topic but an important one. Over two lessons, pupils gain knowledge about suicide, particularly in teens, and how to advocate for a friend who feels suicidal or depressed. After researching the topic, scholars create infographics about teen suicide. Then, participants read a brief story and respond to questions.

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CCSS: Adaptable
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Instructional Ideas
  • Collaborate with the school's counselor—invite them to share their knowledge, add to the discussion, or team-teach the lesson
  • Offer class members a journal to jot down their thoughts and feelings regarding the discussion questions in preparation for a grand conversation 
  • Review assessment answers, clarify questions that proved more challenging
Classroom Considerations
  • Due to the nature of the topic, be sure there are boundaries and procedures taken to ensure your classroom is a safe place for individuals to share their feelings openly
  • Refer learners to the appropriate officials if you become concerned about anyone's actions
  • Requires computers with internet access and copies of handouts
  • Strengthens social-emotional learning competency—self-awareness
  • Comes with extension activities, a quiz, and answer key
  • None