Instructional Video

Sympathetic Nervous System

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

The sympathetic nervous system's job is to prepare the body in situations that threaten your survival. Video 14 in a series of 47 about the body specifically focuses on the sympathetic nervous system and stress. The narrator explains how stress signals are received, transmitted, and affect the body. 

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CCSS: Adaptable
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Instructional Ideas
  • Shows some terms, quotes, and definitions; pause the video in these moments to allow classes to take notes, ask questions, and facilitate discussion
Classroom Considerations
  • Video covers a fair amount of vocabulary quickly; turn on closed captioning to help learners follow and understand the concepts
  • Assumes pupils have a good foundation of knowledge about the nervous system
  • This video is hosted on YouTube
  • Video contains closed captioning in four different languages
  • A table of contents can direct teachers to sections they may want to re-play
  • None
Common Core