
T Shirts

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Which deal is best? Learners determine which of two companies has the best deal for a particular number of shirts. They begin by creating a table and equations containing each company's pricing structure. Individuals finish the seventh resource in a series of eight by analyzing the two pricing procedures through mathematical approaches.

1 Collection 30 Views 11 Downloads
CCSS: Designed
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Instructional Ideas
  • Have individuals graph the two equations to see the trends
  • Determine how much to sell the shirts for to recoup the entire expense
Classroom Considerations
  • The class should be familiar with creating equations from tables and verbal descriptions
  • The task is in a format that allows for edits
  • Rubric provides a breakdown of points for each aspect of a question
  • The table in the scoring guide for number two does not match the table in the task