
Task: Miniature Golf

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Task: Miniature Golf activity also includes:

"Fore!" All right, no one really yells this out in miniature golf, but this well-defined activity will have your charges using lots of numbers in their unique design of a miniature golf hole. Included in the activity criteria is the geometric difficulty of scoring a hole-in-one, creative use of material, and best use of space. Designers need to include scale drawings of their designs complete with calculations and a report explaining the design. This a fantastic lesson that will get your kids motivated and thinking mathematically. 

958 Views 736 Downloads
CCSS: Designed
Additional Tags
  • Would make an excellent small group activity
  • Includes possible extensions to make the activity into a larger interdisciplinary project
  • Also addresses some ELA/literacy standards
  • None