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This Teach This Poem: "Violin" by Nikki Wallschlaeger lesson plan also includes:
Nikki Wallschlaeger's Violin is the featured poem in a lesson plan that uses music and multiple readings to delve deep into its analysis. After a writing warm-up, learners watch and listen to a video that showcases Regina Carter Quintet's performance and sketch images that come to mind. Two readings of the poem—aloud and independently—lead the class to small and whole-class discussions.
Instructional Ideas
- Include the lesson in a unit on poetry or jazz and blues music
- Invite the school's or district's music teacher to be part of the lesson and add their expertise to the conversation
- Have jazz or blues music playing softly while participants work
Classroom Considerations
- The video is long; try dividing viewing sessions to accommodate for younger class members
- Reading assistance may be needed depending on the reading level of your learners
- Includes lesson extension for grades 7-8 and 9-12
- Provides a recorded reading of the poem by its author
- The warm-up starts the lesson in a negative tone—add to the prompt how the failure turned into a success to shift the mood