Curated and Reviewed by
Lesson Planet
What can we learn about architecture from bugs? Turns out a great deal. A video covers three brilliant structures designed and created by bugs. It begins with the honeycomb with perfect hexagons. Next, it covers termite mounds on a much larger scale that we can make; they have such perfect ventilation that we are still trying to copy it! Finally, the video shows what happens when spiders start working together.
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Instructional Ideas
- Visit a nature museum or local environment where you can see some of the structures discussed in the video
- Ask individuals to research which two structures should be added to this list to make it a top five list and have them defend their choices
Classroom Considerations
- Remember comments are open to the public and constantly changing, so preview any that might be visible in your classroom
- This video is hosted on YouTube
- Provides closed captioning for ease of note taking
- Includes many photographs to maintain viewer interest
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