Lesson Plan

The A:Shiwi (Zuni) People: A Study in Environment, Adaptation, and Agricultural Practices

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This The A:Shiwi (Zuni) People: A Study in Environment, Adaptation, and Agricultural Practices lesson plan also includes:

Discover the connection of native peoples to their natural world, including cultural and agricultural practices, by studying the Zuni people of the American Southwest. This lesson includes examining a poster's photographs, reading informational texts, exploratory questions, and an independent research project.

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CCSS: Adaptable
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Instructional Ideas
  • As an extension to the independent research project, have learners use the guiding questions provided as starting points to writing a more detailed explanatory text in which they engage in inquiry-based research
Classroom Considerations
  • For closer analysis of the poster, consider projecting the image for the class and zooming in wherever it is appropriate rather that printing the poster entirely
  • Well designed set of materials
  • Detailed informational texts with follow-up comprehension questions
  • Includes map and graph analysis
  • None